The Dangers of Cannabis Addiction

Marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs in the United States. While there may be medicinal benefits of marijuana, misuse of the drug can lead to an addiction.

At Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment, skilled addiction medicine specialist Richard E. Repass, MD, offers comprehensive treatment for cannabis addiction. Dr. Repass focuses on a safe and natural detox program to help you achieve sobriety without the damaging effects of withdrawal.

How cannabis use leads to addiction

The cannabis plant is generally dried, ground down, and then smoked for its perception-altering effect. You can also mix the plant in baked goods to achieve the same effect without having to smoke.

While you might consider the drug to be safe because it's natural, there’s a risk for addiction to cannabis depending on the amount of the active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) you use.

THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis that works on the neurotransmitters of your brain. It can increase your feelings of happiness, provide mild hallucinations, and alleviate feelings of anxiety. 

The drug blocks the natural neurotransmitters in your brain, so you begin to need marijuana to feel normal.

This begins your dependence on the drug, and over time, your brain continues to adapt to the use of cannabis by lowering its production of neurotransmitters.

Warning signs of cannabis addiction

Ultimately, you will find it difficult to stop using the drug even when you want to because of the strong withdrawal effects. You also will need to use more of the drug to get the same effects as you did when you first started using marijuana.

Signs you might have an addiction to cannabis includes:

These issues can interfere with your quality of life and your ability to stay on top of your usual responsibilities. When you can’t quit using marijuana on your own, you can find help with our team at Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment.

What to expect during cannabis detox

The goal of the cannabis detox program Dr. Repass uses is to help you stop using cannabis in the long term without intense withdrawal effects.

Dr. Repass might begin your detox by having you gradually taper your marijuana use, so your brain can adjust accordingly. In some cases, he may also recommend quitting marijuana all at once and using medications to help keep any withdrawal effects well-controlled.

To help you stay on the right path of sobriety, we also offer intravenous (IV) infusions of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), a substance naturally produced in your body. NAD helps convert the food you eat into energy and also stimulates the production of new neurotransmitters in your brain.

Receiving megadoses of NAD helps to restore your brain function faster and more efficiently, so you can regain your control over your marijuana usage. Dr. Repass uses a special BR+NAD™ formula that also helps stop your cravings for marijuana within just a few days.

If you’re ready to take back control over your life and ditch cannabis for good, schedule a consultation at our Mercer Island, Washington, treatment center today.

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