Why Can't I Stop my Cannabis Habit?

Recreational cannabis use has led to a significant increase in dependency, especially among those who began smoking it when they’re teens. In fact, those who start using cannabis before age 18 are up to seven times more likely to develop a cannabis addiction, according to the National Institutes of Health.

At Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment, we offer detox and recovery services that address the unique challenges of cannabis addiction.

Richard E. Repass, MD, provides a natural detox program on an outpatient basis to help you withdraw from cannabis safely. Dr. Repass also offers ongoing resources to help you maintain your recovery in the long term.

What to know about cannabis

Cannabis (marijuana) is a plant that is dried and smoked or ground down to be used in candy or baked goods. The plant contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive ingredient that affects your brain’s neurotransmitters.

The effects of cannabis on your brain come on quickly and can lead to feelings of happiness and mild hallucinations. You may also feel an increased sense of calmness and relaxation when smoking or consuming cannabis.

These sensations occur when THC blocks neurotransmitters. With continued use of cannabis, your brain becomes dependent on the drug to feel normal.

Dependence on cannabis often leads to the need to use increasingly more of the drug to achieve the same effect. Ongoing cannabis dependence can ultimately turn into addiction or cannabis use disorder.

Why it’s hard to quit cannabis on your own

Once your brain starts to rely on cannabis, you may find that quitting it is difficult because of the withdrawal effects that develop. When you don’t smoke or consume cannabis as you usually would, you may feel side effects that range in intensity and include:

The craving for cannabis may be stronger than you can resist, and you might find yourself using the drug again to feel better.

If you’re ready to quit using cannabis but can’t do it on your own, you can benefit from the cannabis detox program available at Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment.

What to expect from a cannabis addiction recovery program

As a highly skilled addiction specialist, Dr. Repass understands the challenges you face in the early days of recovery. That’s why he offers a detox program using intravenous infusions of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD).

NAD is a substance already found in your body that plays a role in converting food from your diet into energy. NAD infusions also trigger your body to produce more neurotransmitters and assist in the repair of damaged DNA.

In the treatment of cannabis addiction, Dr. Repass uses infusions of BR+NAD™, a specially formulated brand of NAD to control your cravings for cannabis, so you no longer have the urge to use it. 

The infusions also restore healthy brain function, so you’re better able to regulate your moods and stay focused on your recovery.

In addition to BR+NAD infusions, Dr. Repass can recommend general psychiatric services, including psychotherapy sessions to keep you cannabis-free. In therapy, you learn tools that help you cope with life challenges in a healthy, positive way.

You don’t have to navigate addiction recovery on your own. Call us at Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment in Mercer Island, Washington, today to schedule a cannabis addiction consultation.

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