Sober Living: How to Prevent a Relapse During the Holiday Season

Sober Living: How to Prevent a Relapse During the Holiday Season

The holidays can be a significant challenge for anyone, especially those in sobriety. The stresses of the holiday season can increase your risk for a relapse unless you prepare yourself ahead of time.

At Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment, addiction specialist Richard E. Repass, MD, offers the resources you need to stay on track with your recovery from drugs and alcohol.

In addition to outpatient detox and treatment services for drug and alcohol addiction, Dr. Repass can also help you find sober living solutions, so you can make it through the holidays with the support you need.

What to know about sober living

Sober living involves staying at a place where you have the supportive resources you need to stay free of alcohol and/or drugs. Many people transition to sober-living communities after going through a detox program and inpatient or outpatient therapy.

Your place in a sober community requires that you implement new routines and habits into your daily life to support your recovery and the sobriety of others. You also must do your part to support the community at large by attending to chores and other responsibilities.

Violation of community rules, such as using alcohol or drugs, not participating in required meetings or activities, or being violent, will likely make you ineligible for sober living services.

Types of sober living solutions

Typically, there are four types of sober living environments people in recovery can access. Depending on your needs and where you are in your recovery, you might benefit from one of these sober living environments:

Peer-run sober living

Peer-run programs are often set up in single-family homes and operate democratically, with one resident keeping the others accountable for running the household and establishing house rules.

Monitored sober living

Monitored sober living programs are generally run by a paid house manager who oversees day-to-day operations. The manager may also be responsible for conducting drug screenings and monitoring supervised group therapy and other activities.

Supervised sober living

Supervised sober living situations are typically available in a licensed facility, and residents must follow specific policies and procedures. This type of sober living environment usually offers clinical care, therapeutic services, and routine drug screenings under the supervision of certified staff.

Integrated sober living

Integrated sober living is established in institutional environments and is often part of the transition process immediately after completing an addiction recovery program. Certified staff oversee drug screenings, life skills classes, and organized therapy that support those in recovery.

When to consider sober living

Sober living may be an option immediately after you complete an addiction treatment program, especially if your existing home environment isn’t stable and doesn’t support sobriety.

Dr. Repass may also recommend sober living if you’re at risk for relapse due to stressful circumstances, including the holidays. 

If you have concerns about your ability to stay clean or are experiencing anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges leading up to the holiday season, schedule a consultation without delay.

We can discuss what sober living solutions are available to you and help you decide if moving into a supportive community is the right choice. Even on a temporary basis, living in a sober, safe, and supportive environment may be what you need to stay on your path of recovery.

Call us at Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment in Mercer Island, Washington, to discuss your options for sober living, or book an appointment online today.

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