Is Cannabis Addictive?

Not everyone who uses cannabis develops a dependence, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an addictive substance. People who use cannabis (marijuana) products daily or nearly daily, and for an extended period of time, may find that they can’t stop using it without help.

That’s where we come in. At Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment, we offer recovery support for people who are addicted to cannabis. There are effective, outpatient ways to halt your addiction and ease withdrawal symptoms.

When is cannabis use an addiction?

If your use of cannabis has a moderate to severe impact on your daily life, it can be considered an addiction. One example is if you can’t stop using the drug even when you want to. Attempting to halt your use of cannabis could lead to withdrawal symptoms, including restlessness, irritability, and sleep disturbances.

In many cases, people aren’t aware of their addiction. But if you or someone you know has lost control over the use of cannabis and the situation is harming daily life, relationships, school or work, seek help right away.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that as many as 30% of those who use marijuana may have some disordered usage, including addiction.

Who is likely to develop an addiction?

Not everyone who uses cannabis is addicted or becomes addicted. However, if you have a personal or family history of alcohol or drug problems, if you’ve experienced trauma, or if you’re in a lower income level, you may be at greater risk. Genes are a strong predictor of whether you’ll become addicted to cannabis.

Males tend to have a greater propensity than females to develop a cannabis addiction, but addictions in women progress more quickly than in men. Regardless of gender, an estimated 10% of marijuana users develop an addiction.

If you use cannabis to help you ease anxiety, it can also become addictive. At first, the marijuana takes away your anxious edge, but over time you develop a tolerance and need more and more of it to get a soothing effect.

Youths are more susceptible

Youths are more susceptible to cannabis addiction because their brains are still developing. You may observe addiction showing up in a teen’s school performance or social relationships. 

Adults addicted to cannabis often started using in early adolescence (16 or younger). Starting marijuana use at a younger age also increases their risk of associated health problems — not just addiction. These include schizophrenia, social anxiety, and depression.

Treatment is available

If you do have an addiction to cannabis, Dr. Repass and our team can help you gradually taper off products so your brain adjusts slowly. This can minimize the side effects of withdrawal. Some cases of cannabis addiction are successfully treated by intravenous use of NAD, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

Large doses of NAD, a natural substance produced by your body to support DNA repair, boost your metabolism, stimulate neurotransmitters, and help restore proper brain function to give you control back over your mind and mood. The type used at our office can stop marijuana cravings in just a few days.

As an expert in addiction treatment, Dr. Repass offers comprehensive and holistic care to those with a cannabis addiction. If you’re ready to detox from marijuana safely and effectively, call us at Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment or send us a message here on our website to schedule your appointment. 


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