The Importance of Seeking Treatment for Your Methamphetamine Addiction

The Importance of Seeking Treatment for Your Methamphetamine Addiction

Some people avoid getting treatment for a methamphetamine addiction because they don’t want to spend time in an in-patient facility.

At Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment, we specialize in comprehensive addiction services that you can participate in without admission to a treatment center. 

Board-certified psychiatrist and addiction medicine specialist Richard Repass, MD, offers both detox and ongoing treatment services that help you kick your meth addiction for good.

How methamphetamine addictions start

Methamphetamines are stimulants that affect your central nervous system. Originally, this type of drug was used for weight loss and as a nasal decongestant. But the Food and Drug Administration approves only one type of amphetamine medication under very strict conditions due to the rise in meth addictions.

Meth addictions start because the drug is highly addictive. You can get hooked on it after using it just one time.

Taking methamphetamines causes a rush of dopamine throughout your body, which activates your brain’s pleasure and reward systems. This immediate effect on your brain leads to cravings for more of the drug.

Negative effects of methamphetamines

Additionally, the dangers of meth increase when it’s mixed with other substances, including synthetic opioids (crystal meth), on the street.

This increases a user’s risk for an overdose. Long-term use of meth also damages the heart and the cells that produce dopamine and serotonin, leading to chronic mental and physical health issues.

Because the risk for long-term health complications and premature death is great when you’re using meth or addicted to it, it’s important that you get treatment. The earlier you start detoxing from meth, the less damage your body will endure.

Outpatient treatment options for methamphetamine addiction

Traditionally, another highly addictive drug (benzodiazepines) is used as part of the detox plan for overcoming addiction to different types of drugs. But there are no medications that can treat a meth addiction.

As an expert in addiction medicine, Dr. Repass offers another effective solution to help you overcome your addiction to meth. He uses nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) as part of his meth detox program. 

NAD is in every cell of your body and responsible for producing energy to help you function. NAD also plays a role in the production of neurotransmitters to support normal brain function.

What to know about BR+NAD infusions

Infusions of BR+NAD™, a specialized NAD formula, help you detox from meth safely in a comfortable office environment. Dr. Repass determines how many daily infusions you need over the course of several weeks.

Within a few days of starting your detox, you’ll notice a significant reduction in your cravings for the drug. Many people have no cravings at all after 10-15 infusions, so they can successfully conquer their addiction and continue their therapeutic work in recovery without distraction.

Other benefits of BR+NAD infusions

In addition to helping you kick your meth habit for good, infusions of BR+NAD offer both immediate physical benefits to your body and long-lasting relief of meth cravings.

After your BR+NAD infusions, you may experience:

When Dr. Repass combines BR+NAD detox with psychiatric therapies, you can achieve a safe, long-term recovery from addiction. We also give you tools to better cope with your emotions and your responsibilities, so you can live a healthy, happy, drug-free life.

To learn more about the available recovery services for a methamphetamine addiction, call our Mercer Island, Washington, office in the greater Seattle and Bellevue area to schedule an appointment.

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