NAD: The Addiction Treatment Solution You Haven't Tried

A substance use disorder can have a profound impact on both your physical and mental health, which is why it’s often referred to as a disease of the mind, body, and soul. Since the disease hijacks your health from so many angles, we turn to the foundation of your body’s functions — your cells — and restore wellness through NAD therapy.

At Revolution Psychiatry, Dr. Richard Repass and our team of addiction and neuropsychiatric experts understand the widespread impact that a substance use disorder can have on your health. Battling both addiction and dependency can be extremely challenging and you need all hands on deck for the effort — starting with your cells.

Explore how we can help you move past your substance use disorder with our NAD therapy, which boosts your health on a cellular level.

The two sides of a substance use disorder

Before we get into how NAD therapy can help you break the bonds of a substance use disorder, let’s quickly take a look at what we’re up against. A substance use disorder has two sides: addiction and dependency.

Addiction is the aspect of the disease that involves your brain as years of use have caused new neural pathways to form — pathways that revolve around using. This shift in brain chemistry is what leads to the uncontrollable cravings and the inability to simply quit, despite your most ardent efforts.

Dependency describes the physical aspect of your substance use disorder and it’s what causes withdrawal symptoms when you try and quit.

Fighting back with NAD

The first step on the road to recovery is detox, a process in which you break the dependency you may have formed, whether it’s to alcohol, opioids, cocaine, or any other substance. If you go cold turkey, this process can be unpleasant, to say the least, which is why we recommend that you do so under our guidance.

One of the primary advantages of detoxing with our help is that we provide you with the tools you need to weather the transition more smoothly, and this starts with our NAD therapy.

NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which is a coenzyme of niacin that helps our cells produce energy. To do this, NAD converts the energy you get from food into energy that your cells need to function well.

Not only does NAD play a critical role in providing your cells with the energy they need, it also facilitates DNA repair and aids in intercellular communication.

If you have a substance use disorder, your levels of naturally occurring NAD have likely been depleted and our goal is to restore these levels so that you can break the bonds of addiction and dependency. 

At our practice, we use a cutting-edge therapy called Brain Restoration Plus Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (BR+NAD™). We’ve not only found that BR+NAD can stop your cravings within a day or two, but it can also restore neurochemical balance in your brain by improving your brain’s overall function. 

In other words, BR+NAD can help you better weather the withdrawal symptoms while also aiding in forming healthier neural pathways in your brain that aren’t centered around using. And the best part? NAD is a perfectly natural solution that doesn’t pile onto your problem with more medications.

If you’d like to explore how our BR+NAD therapy can help you take back control of your life (and your cells), contact our office on Mercer Island, Washington, to set up a consultation.

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