Is There Anything I Can Do on My Own to Overcome OCD?

Is There Anything I Can Do on My Own to Overcome OCD?

Even if you’re receiving treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), there are other things you should be doing to manage your condition.

As a skilled psychiatrist, Richard E.Repass, MD, offers comprehensive general psychiatry services at Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment to diagnose and treat OCD. Dr. Repass can also help you address other OCD-related mental health disorders, like anxiety and depression.

While you may not be able to overcome OCD totally on your own, Dr. Repass can work with you on self-care habits you should practice to keep your symptoms in check.

Understanding OCD

OCD is a chronic, long-lasting disorder that causes obsessions (uncontrollable, recurring thoughts) and the urge to repeat certain compulsions (behaviors). People with OCD can experience a wide variety of symptoms that range from mild to severe.

Some of the most common are obsessions about germs, unwanted thoughts about sex or religion, or aggressive thoughts about themselves or others. 

Those thoughts occur alongside repetitive behaviors, like excessive hand-washing, touching objects a certain number of times, or constantly reorganizing objects in a certain way.

Repetitive thoughts and compulsive behaviors can interfere with your daily responsibilities and overall quality of life. But with the right treatment plan, you can learn to manage your symptoms, better control your thoughts, and reduce the frequency of repetitive, compulsive behaviors.

Dr. Repass offers customized treatment plans using psychotherapy (talk therapy), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and other strategies to treat OCD. He also works with you on a self-care plan to improve your quality of life. He provides these services in-office and through a convenient telemedicine platform.

Self-care tips for better managing OCD

There are several things you can do to better care for your general physical and mental health that also support relief of OCD symptoms. Here are some effective self-care tips you can try:

Manage your stress

Stress can make your OCD symptoms worse. If you feel you’re often under pressure or stressed out, it may be time to reevaluate your lifestyle, your job, and other factors that contribute to your stress.

There are also a number of mindfulness techniques Dr. Repass can teach you to help you cope with stress more effectively. You may benefit from incorporating more exercise into your daily life to blow off excess stress. Yoga and meditation can also help you ease stress.

Stay on top of your anxiety

Just like stress, anxiety can worsen your OCD symptoms. The relaxation techniques you learn for OCD can also help keep your anxiety under control.

If you feel as if your anxiety is unmanageable on your own or completely out of your control, Dr. Repass may recommend medications along with CBT or psychotherapy to treat your symptoms.

Focus on your health

In addition to exercise for stress reduction, you should exercise for at least 30 minutes every day to support your overall physical health.

Eat a healthy diet that incorporates a lot of fresh produce and limits processed foods. Practice a regular sleep schedule to ensure you get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

Build a network of support

Connecting with loved ones you trust to openly discuss OCD and its effect on your life can take some of the weight off your shoulders. Social connection is also essential for your overall mental health.

It can also help to connect with peers who are working to manage their own OCD. There are groups that can offer the support you need from people who understand what you’re going through.

If you need help managing OCD, call us at Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment today to schedule a diagnostic consultation at our Mercer Island, Washington, office.

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