5 Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Alcohol Use Problems

5 Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Alcohol Use Problems

Overcoming an alcohol use disorder can be difficult without the right medical help. That’s why we offer medication-assisted treatment (MAT) plans at Revolution Psychiatric and Addiction Treatment.

Our addiction recovery specialist, Richard E. Repass, MD, customizes a care plan to your specific needs, so you can achieve long-term recovery from alcohol abuse and addiction issues.

What to know about medication-assisted treatment

Medication-assisted treatment, as the name suggests, uses medication to treat issues that make quitting alcohol seem overwhelming or physically difficult.

We offer several types of medications to reduce cravings for alcohol and to minimize the effects of withdrawal. Certain medications can also deter you from using alcohol by causing nausea, sweating, headaches, and other unpleasant symptoms if you take a drink.

Following your treatment plan under the supervision of Dr. Repass, you can achieve recovery and be more inclined to maintain it in the long term.

When to consider medication-assisted treatment

You should consider medication-assisted treatment if you consume a large amount of alcohol and can’t stop drinking on your own.

You should also book a consultation with our team if your drinking is interfering with your job, relationships, or daily responsibilities.

Dr. Repass offers a program using a medication-assisted treatment plan to prevent withdrawal symptoms while you detox from alcohol. He also provides BR+NAD™ detox options to repair your body at a cellular level and increase your levels of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD).

In addition to supervising your detox plan, we also provide general psychiatric counseling services to address the effects alcohol addiction has on your life.

Benefits of medication-assisted treatment

Medication-assisted treatment offers many benefits for those who seek recovery from alcohol addiction. MAT helps to:

Relieve debilitating withdrawal symptoms

During your detox, certain medications can relieve or prevent severe withdrawal symptoms that are common with alcohol withdrawal. Symptoms can include tremors, irritability, and even seizures.

The severity of these symptoms discourages many people from quitting alcohol for good. Using a medication-assisted treatment plan can help you safely detox from alcohol without enduring the painful effects of withdrawal.

Curb intense alcohol cravings

After detox, the cravings for alcohol can still be intense. Using a MAT plan, you can minimize the cravings to help you stay alcohol-free.

Reduce risk for relapse

Without the intense alcohol cravings, you can achieve long-term sobriety with fewer obstacles and less risk for relapse.

Lower risk for chronic health issues

Alcohol use disorders can increase your risk for serious health issues, including cancer, brain damage, and heart disease. Using a MAT plan, you can successfully quit using alcohol, so your body can recover.

Increase follow-through with treatment

Medication-assisted treatment plans can increase the likelihood that you’ll follow through with all recommended therapies after you complete your detox.

The psychiatric services available in-office support your ongoing recovery and can also address depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. These issues, if left untreated, can lead you back to alcohol if not properly managed.

To find out if MAT is right for you, call our Mercer Island, Washington, office to book an appointment today. We serve the greater Seattle and Bellevue areas.

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